Enforcing Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Accounts of Elementary Teachers


  • Pricilla R. Eliseo Public School Teacher, Department of Education, Island Garden City of Samal, Philippines Author


positive discipline, elementary teachers, phenomenology, Island Garden City of Samal


This phenomenological inquiry explored the experiences of the teachers in enforcing positive discipline to the learners of Babak District, Division of Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS). It utilized a qualitative employing a phenomenological approach in which the primary data gathering was in-depth interviews of the ten participants. Major findings indicated that about their experiences in enforcing positive discipline in the classroom, they shared three emerging themes namely promoting positive discipline, supporting children' development, and collaborating among stakeholders. Furthermore, after analyzing the answers of the participants about their coping mechanisms adopted with the challenges encountered in enforcing positive discipline in the classroom, the following were the emerging themes namely modifying discipline used, maintaining student discipline and recognizing the role of parents in child discipline. Lastly, the insights of teachers in enforcing positive discipline in the classroom. The responses of the participants yielded three emerging themes namely promoting an increase in academic performance, establishing effective classroom management, and providing professional development. Discipline influenced the learning process by creating a stress-free environment for allocating time to various activities, improving planning by observing and maintaining a set daily routine, shaping learner character and boosting their motivation, facilitating the setting of good examples, and positively contributing to better grades. Although educational institutions had a responsibility to enforce the rules or code of conduct governing learner conduct, parents also played a role in ensuring consistency. Home influenced aspects such as dress code, hairstyles, and fundamental decorum. Finally, the advantages of successful classroom management extended to academic-related results, including a reduction in disruptive behaviors and an increase in academic learning and engagement among students.


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How to Cite

P. R. Eliseo, “Enforcing Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Accounts of Elementary Teachers”, IJRIS, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 19–24, Apr. 2024, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijris.com/index.php/ijris/article/view/40